Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

Business Process Insights

Risetime Experts Review Your Business Processes and Systems Configuration to Provide Valuable Insights

Systems & Workflows

We conduct a functional end-to-end review of your configuration and workflows, including the initial project management system (e.g., Adobe Workfront), your Digital Asset System, and supporting tools for omnichannel deployment.

 Based on your business needs, this includes:


Existing Documentation

We review your organization’s artifacts, from user documentation to companywide Standard Operating Procedures. We develop a comprehensive understanding of how your documents and processes are structured, identifying areas for improvement. 

Employees & Departments

We interview stakeholders to better understand the intricacies of your business processes and how your employees work together. This reveals pain points,  breakdowns in interdepartmental communication, and what is working and what needs to be fixed. These conversations are invaluable during the implementation and training phases as they identify opportunities to strengthen processes and clarify expectations.

Results of the assessment include a comprehensive list of suggested improvements and efficiencies